Our Story

Hyde Forty-Seven’s name—spelling intentional—is inspired by the leathers or hides used in our designs, while the forty-seven represents silver’s position on the Periodic Chart of Elements.

Some of my favorite childhood memories are from the days I spent on our family ranch in Colorado, and I am very proud of my Western roots. Growing up in Colorado was a special part of my upbringing, and that time eventually inspired my passion for jewelry.

I’m a creative at heart, and I have always loved using my hands and mind to design and innovate. From floral arrangements to interiors and jewelry, I enjoy creating objects or spaces that are aesthetically pleasing and versatile. I’ve always been supported by my friends and family, and I’m constantly driven by a strong work ethic.

I consider fashion and knitting to be my hobbies. I love putting together an outfit that combines traditional and trending pieces with new and vintage jewelry. As for knitting, it keeps my hands busy (and helps polish my math skills!). If I’m not working on new designs, you’ll probably find me outside with my family and dogs. Being in nature grounds me and resets my inner soul.

— Ann Johnston, Designer